the establishments were regal one had a grand piano the bartenders, old men wearing uniforms like on a sailing ship you told me not to worry we don't ( ) and want to do this because we can
ink on paper
9 x 6.5 in. 24 x 17 cm
you let me smoke at the window gave me keys to your apartment with unfettered roof access and ( ) with your back to us that kind of intimacy stays with me
ink on paper
6.5 x 5 in. 17 x 13 cm
you reminded me my audience told me of your motorcycle lover
and his ( ) or, romantic fabrications and i envied his cunning
instantly regretting it
ink on paper
6.5 x 5 in. 17 x 13 cm
i took liberties relating my impetus as being informed by gesamtkunstwerk which you rightfully qualified as ( ) it was later i discovered your german lineage
ink on paper
6.5 x 5 in. 17 x 13 cm
you described your work as a reflection of community and i felt a specific ( ) void in myself then remembered we were waiting for a friend outside the draconian co-op
ink on paper
6.5 x 5 in. 17 x 13 cm